While designing websites, you must pay attention and follow the every detail 5 golden rules of website designing. No matter how unimportant they look , you should follow them in order to create a successful website. A good website is the one which successfully achieves the goals for which it was created.
Given below are the 5 golden rules you should follow when you are designing a website.
1) Stay away from Splash pages. Many websites have a splash page. It is a page with great animation, flashes and pictures with a small “Enter” button at a corner. It is a landing page. Visitors have to click on some button to go to the home page. So it is clear that these page are useless. They don’t serve any purpose. So it is better to stay away from these types of pages. Unknowingly, you are giving visitors a chance to leave your site without even watching your homepage. It is not a sensible work to make visitors leave before even watching your homepage. So better option is to avoid splash pages.
2) Avoid too much advertisements of banners. Most of the internet users don’t even look at the advertisement links. So these advertisements are not useful to you. They are just occupying space on your website page. Why don’t you use that valuable area of the page to show something else interesting? You can use that valuable place to show something else. You can put there a link related to the similar article or something which urge them to buy your products. This will benefit you more than those banners.
3) The website should have a simple interface. It is not necessary that all the people visiting your site is good in using internet. If they will face problems in navigation with lots of menus under which are hundreds of sub-menus, they will leave your site. It can happen that they will never again visit your website. Why you should give them a chance to do so. It is better to keep your website design simple and easy to navigate so that every individual visiting your website can easily navigate through your it. Then you will see the website getting more and more popular.
4)Do not make user feel lost. It may happen that a visitor liked your page and went deep into it. Then when he wanted to go back to some particular page from there but he have no clue about how to go there. So always remember to provide a link to Home page in every page of your website. Also provide Forward and Back buttons. Using these buttons, the visitor can go to his desired page. Also check that there are no orphan pages.
5)Audio on your website? Get rid of them quickly. One of the biggest reason a visitor leaves your website immediately is the audio which keeps on playing continuously in the background. How a person can read something with concentration if there is some audio playing continuously in the background. So it is better to remove the audio track from your website. But if you are from one of those who insist on playing audio in the background, give the visitor an option to mute the audio if he don’t want such audios. This will be useful for both you and the visitors.
Following the above 5 golden rules anybody can create a successful website. It doesn’t matters how unimportant they look you, these rules will definitely help you in designing a successful website.