All about Ransomware and its control

Ransomware is basically a piece of harmful software code that encrypts files on a computer and demands money to get the decrypting code.

How does it spread?

Who is vunerable to it ?

How do we protect our computer ?

How do we protect our files ?

Ransomware Detection ?

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Intelligence Web Design Services Company

Web design encompasses many different skills and disciplines in the production and maintenance of websites. The different areas of web design include web graphic design, interface design, authoring, including Standard code and proprietary software user experience design and search engine optimization.

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Top Five Tips With Regard to YouTube Channels for Mobile Users

In today’s world, there are very less people that don’t use YouTube. Mostly, people use YouTube for searching and watching any video they want. Today, YouTube is the world second biggest search engine. Its value in increasing day by day for everyone. Some years ago, mobile companies have launched update version devices with internet capability. As we all know, mobile users spend a lot of time on internet to find their favorite videos in HD quality. YouTube is the best search engine for those mobile users who want to get HD quality videos. YouTube has made eassy for people to search and watch any video they want to. Over the past few years, YouTube have got millions of viewers and subscribers due to its effective video adword marketing method.

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Difference Between Windows 8 and Windows 7

We all know that Windows 7 offered many facilities to users. But there were still some features that Windows 7 was unable to offer. Those features were included in Windows 8. Microsoft launched Windows 8 in the year 2012.

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How to add RSS feeds into your website using PHP

Hello Friends,
As a webmaster you would interested in having search engine friendly RSS feeds on your web pages because this can help with;

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Internet Video Production

Internet Video Production means streaming videos. Streaming Videos is one of the best technology for distributing videos on Internet. What does video streaming video means? Streaming Video means that your viewer who will visit your website will be able to see your video. Streaming Videos is a good technology. A viewer don’t have to wait for much to load the file to view. They can watch it while the file is downloading.

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Website Design and Social Bookmarking – Link Between the Two

Now a day’s social bookmarking site has been skyrocketed in past few years. The social bookmarking site is used by many people in the world and it is getting more popular.

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Free Calls from Gmail for U.S. Service Members

Over the last few years, Google is trying to get a personalized web space. It is a space where Internet is different for different people. To this, Google took one more step. It was free calling for U.S. service members from G-mail.

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+1 and + snippets


Google have introduced a new feature in Google Search results. Google introduced it in the year 2011. It is +1 button. So what is that +1 button? What is the purpose of the button? The answer is very simple. It is just a way to like Google search results. After signing in to the Google account, every search result will have a +1 button next to it. You should hit the button if you find the website useful and interesting. This is done only to inform Google that you have liked the site. More the likes, more interesting is the site.

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Relevance → Simplicity → Speed

Every time the Internet has faced one major challenge. It is personalizing the web space. Web is something that should be different for every person. There should be a space in web which is personal for every individual. Many major companies have tried to do the same. Every website has tried to show a platform where the experience of user is personalized. The webs have tried using multiple APIs to focus on subjects of interest.

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The Google Share Button

Want your visitors to share your posts to their circles straight from your Blog? Learn how to install the Google Share button into your blog.
Since the early days of Google+ it has grown up to be a fitting contender to Facebook and Twitter. As of today Google+ has another add-on to its huge list of features: “The Share Button”

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Best Development Practices For a Good SEO

Nowadays, it is not sufficient that you just created your website and then wait for results. Getting positive results from your website is not an easy task. It is necessary for any website, whether it is an e-commerce website or a high need bespoke website, you all need SEO for publicity. It is necessary for any website holder to give importance to the SEO. So what are the main points that we should keep in our mind?

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